Nested layouts in Nuxt/Vue.js

If you're like me, and like to keep things tidy and prefer not to repeat yourself, you will most likely find yourself needing to nest layouts when developing a Nuxt application.

This is luckily a fairly easy thing to do, expect you need to do a bit of tweaking.

Assuming you haven't modified your layouts/default.vue file, it will most likely look like this:

// layouts/default.vue
    <nuxt />

If we'd like to apply nested layouts, we could take advantage of slots and do something like this:

// layouts/default.vue
    <nuxt v-if="!$slots.default" />
    <slot />

Then we could add a new layout, like so:

// layouts/newLayout.vue
    <h1>Surrounding layout</h1>
    <nuxt />
  import DefaultLayout from '~/layouts/default.vue';

  export default {
    components: {

Congratulations. You now have a nested layout. In any file you'd like to use the nested layout, you simply set your layout like so:

  export default {
    layout: 'newLayout', // name of your new layout
